"How Too" remove ALCOHOL from pump gas ....

Scott created the topic: "How Too" remove ALCOHOL from pump gas ....


With all the garbage Alcohol enriched fuels we are forced to buy these days, if you want or need to use some but wish it DID NOT contain the Alcohol ? ... Here is a trick to remove 100% of it ( Tho easier in small quantities )

* Alcohol is HYGROSCOPIC meaning it is attracted too WATER !! ....

This trick I learned in the 1980's when Alki fortified fuels were introduced during the gas shortage. MANY fuel systems & tanks in the time got trashed, so a simple test was made to find the quantity of Alcohol present.

The test was simply a long narrow glass flask that looked like a cigar tube.
the bottom 1/4 of tube had a line, above the line the volume of remaining flask used graduation lines from 0 to 25 percent on the lower 1/4 . then had a FULL line on top.

You added tap water to the bottom line, then gasoline to the top line, screw on a cap and SHAKE IT UP vigorously !!

** The ALCOHOL would be absorbed by the water, once the two re-separated after 5 min or so, The % of alcohol present would raise the water level up into the 0-25% scale showing quantity of alcohol present.


So here is the SPIN on doing it large scale to JUST REMOVE the Alcohol

Take a gas can, plastic jug of what ever you want. Make a line on jug or simply know at what level a CUP or so of water sits at within container.

On the cap of this container attach a piece of HARD line ( K and S brass tube works great ) that stops @ 1/4 to 1/2 inch above the level you set within the container, and has a way to attach a siphon hose too on outside of cap.

** Add your cup or so of water, fill up remaining can with the Alki laced gas.

SHAKE IT UP VIGOROUSLY .... Let it stand undisturbed for an hour of so.

Siphon off the gas above the water in container and what you will have will be ALCOHOL free

Pending on additives also present, the separation line between water and gas can be a foamy layer, so experiment with how far away your siphon tube sits above your established water line. Also due to additives, the time required to get a good water separation from fuel can vary. Seen it happen in under a min, some times over 20 min. Just fool around until your happy with the results.


2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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marc replied the topic: Re:\"How Too\" remove ALCOHOL from pump gas ....

Very interesting Scott! I will have to give it a try...I never thought of doing it, but you are correct that the Ethanol molecules will bind to the water molecules, thus separating it from the gas so this should work. Plus you have tested it yourself in the past so we know it works...thanks for sharing!

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Piratefish replied the topic: Re:\"How Too\" remove ALCOHOL from pump gas ....

Hey guys very intersting but what's the benefits???


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Scott replied the topic: Re:

Piratefish wrote:
For those folks who have NO choice but to use Alcohol enriched gas, by removing the Alki your fuel system parts, Lines and carb diaphragms last a LOT LONGER.

2 stroke Engine Tech of 30+ years, Prop tweeker, Chronic tinkerholic, Home of Motor Heads RC Racing Engines ...
8 time NAMBA National 6 lap heat racing record holder.

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